building wealth gold

How to Build Wealth in Your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and Beyond

If you’re wondering how to build wealth, you’re in the right place. In this article we will lay out a simple framework that if followed, will set you on the path to more money for today, more retirement savings for tomorrow, and more assurance of accomplishing your financial goals.

There are a lot of things that people want in life. Everyone wants to build wealth, have a happy family, travel the world, own a home, and retire comfortably. But not everyone knows how to build wealth. If you want to be wealthy, there are some overall things you need to do.

  • Save your money
  • Invest in yourself to increase your income
  • Buy income-producing assets
  • Stay disciplined

Saving your money is important because it gives you the capital you need to invest. Investing in yourself is the only way to increase your income, and without a good income, you’ll never be able to afford investments. Buying income-producing assets is important because it allows you to grow your money while you sleep and build up a solid retirement fund. And staying disciplined is important because it allows you to make smart choices with your money and stick to your long-term goals.

So if you want to build true wealth, start by following the following 10 steps that will help you save money, invest in yourself, buy income-producing assets, and stay disciplined. With time, effort (remember, there is no free money in life), and financial planning, you can achieve anything you want in life.

Here is a simple framework for building true wealth. Ignore the following items at your peril.

10 Tips on How to Build Wealth


1) Destroy bad debt

how to build wealth and get out of debt

You will never build wealth while buried in debt. A solid financial plan begins with getting out of debt. If you’re serious about building wealth, then you need to get out of bad debt as quickly as possible. 

Bad debt is any debt that doesn’t help you build wealth. This includes payday loans, credit card debt, car loans, most student loan debt (unless you will be graduating with a job that will pay you $150k+ within a few years of graduating, then skip the degree and go learn the skills instead), and any other debt that doesn’t help you build wealth. You will never build wealth while buried in debt. 

The first step to getting out of bad debt is to create a budget. Figure out how much money you have coming in each month and how much you have going out (you can use receipt tracking apps to make that much easier).

Then, make a plan to pay off your debt as quickly as possible (see debt snowball plan below).

Simple debt snowball steps to get out of debt:

Step 1: List out your debts (regardless of the interest rate) from smallest to largest

Step 2: Make the minimum payment for each debt except the smallest.

Step 3: Every extra dollar goes to attacking (paying off) your smallest debt.

Step 4: Repeat this process until each debt is totally paid off.

You may need to make some sacrifices, but it will be worth it in the long run. When you’re finally out of bad debt, you’re on the fast track to financial freedom and you can start to focus on building wealth.


2) Change your habits

Building wealth requires making smart decisions with your money. And that means forming new, healthy habits around spending and saving. But changing your money habits can be tough. 

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, offers a simple framework to make the process easier. To build a new habit, he says, you need to make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. In other words, you need to set up reminders (obvious), make the new behavior fun or rewarding (attractive), make it easy to do (easy), and celebrate each time you do it (satisfying). 

It takes about 66 days to form a new habit, so be patient and keep at it. With perseverance, you can develop the habits you need to build wealth and secure your financial future.


3) Pay yourself first, not last

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One of the best pieces of advice for building wealth is to pay yourself first. This means that before you spend any money on other expenses, you should set aside money for savings and investing. 

One way to do this is to set up an automatic draft so that a certain amount of money is transferred from your checking account to your savings account each month. This can help to remove the temptation to spend your savings, and it can also help you to build up your nest egg more quickly. 

Another benefit of paying yourself first is that it can help you to build good financial habits. 

By making savings a priority, you are more likely to develop healthy spending habits overall. So if you want to build wealth, be sure to pay yourself first.


4) Learn high-paying skills

While it’s certainly possible to build wealth on an average income, it’s no secret that it’s a lot harder. The key is to make the most of your free time and focus on increasing your skills in areas that can help you build wealth. 

For example, sales skills can help you negotiate better deals, while writing skills can help you create content that attracts customers. Similarly, financial and business acumen can help you make smarter investment decisions, and marketing skills can help you reach more potential customers. 

While there’s no easy path to riches, by focusing on these key areas, you can give yourself a better chance of building wealth on an average income.


5) Keep an emergency fund

As anyone who has ever tried to build wealth knows, there are always roadblocks and challenges that can stand in the way. But of all the obstacles that can trip up a wealth-building plan, Murphy’s law may be the most feared. 

For those who are unfamiliar, Murphy’s law is the reality that things can and will go wrong at the worst possible time. In other words, anything that can happen, will happen…and usually when you can least afford it. 

That’s why it’s so important to plan for unexpected emergencies. By setting aside 3-6 months of living expenses in a savings account or other liquid asset, you’ll be prepared for whatever life throws your way. 

And while it may not be fun to plan for Murphy’s visits, doing so can help you avoid going into bad debt – and keep your wealth-building plans on track.


6) Buy assets, not liabilities

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When it comes to building wealth, there are a few key things you should invest in and a few things you should avoid. 

First, let’s talk about what you should invest in. Personal development training can be extremely helpful in giving you the skills you need to build wealth. Rental properties and storage facilities are also great investments – they provide passive income and can appreciate in value over time. 

And of course, stocks in a retirement account are always a good option for those looking to build wealth. 

Now, let’s talk about what you should avoid. Expensive cars are a bad investment – they depreciate in value quickly and don’t provide any return on investment. Bad debt is also something you should avoid – it can be very difficult to pay off and can drag you down financially. 

Boats and toys may be fun, but they’re also expensive and can quickly drain your bank account. 

Focus instead on building assets like real estate, businesses, precious metals, as well as retirement accounts through a 401k, Roth IRA, or traditional IRA. 

When it comes to building wealth, make sure you invest wisely!


8) Think long-term

The way that we think about time can have a big impact on our ability to build wealth. Poor people tend to think about their needs on a day-to-day basis, while middle-class people usually think in terms of monthly expenses. 

Rich people, on the other hand, tend to think in terms of years or even generations. 

This difference in perspective is important because it affects the way we save and invest our money. 

People who think in terms of years or generations are more likely to make long-term investments that can build wealth over time. 

On the other hand, people who only think about their immediate needs are less likely to make choices that will pay off in the future. 

Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in six months, and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years. 

This means that we often miss out on opportunities to build wealth because we don’t think we have enough time. However, if we change our perspective and start thinking about the long term, we may be surprised at what we can achieve.


8) Start buying used

It’s no secret that buying new stuff is expensive. A new car can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars, and a new piece of furniture can set you back a few hundred dollars. 

Even something as small as a new pair of shoes can cost upwards of $120. And don’t even get me started on the cost of tools and jewelry! But here’s the thing: you don’t have to spend a fortune to get quality items. 

In fact, you can save tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime by just committing to buying used items over new. Consider this: a used car that is just a few years old can be had for half the price of a new one, and a used piece of furniture can be found for a fraction of the cost of a new one. 

And while jewelry and tools may not be as long-lasting as cars or furniture, buying used can still provide great value for the money. 

So next time you’re in the market for something new, remember that you don’t have to break the bank to get what you want. Just look for quality used items and you’ll be saving money in no time.


9) Focus on your health

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It’s no secret that being wealthy requires a certain level of dedication and hard work. But what may be surprising is that many millionaires place a high priority on their health and well-being. 

In fact, 76% of millionaires exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. 

For them, it’s not just about looking good – it’s about feeling good and being able to build wealth over the long term.

There are plenty of reasons why you should make your health a priority, regardless of your wealth status. After all, you only get one body in this life, so you need to take care of it. Eating better and moving more is a great way to start. And while medical bills can be expensive, exercise is relatively cheap. 

So if you’re looking to build wealth and improve your overall health, taking some time out for physical activity is a smart move.


10) Education is everything

The accumulation of wealth doesn’t happen overnight. It takes years of dedication, consistency and most importantly education to get there. 

The reality is that there are many people in this world making $5000+ per day. 

And although there are many people in this world that have achieved this level of success, it doesn’t mean that they are any smarter or harder working than you. So the question is, what do they know that you don’t know, and what skills do they have that you don’t have?

The only way to close the gap is to educate yourself. 

And fortunately, we live in a time where information is more accessible than ever before. There are thousands of books, podcasts and videos available for free on the internet that can teach you the skills you need to build wealth. 

So if you’re serious about closing the gap, start learning today.



How can I build wealth with no money?

There are a few things you can do to start building wealth with no money:

1) Get educated on personal finance and investing. This will help you understand how money works and how to grow your money.

2) Start saving. Even if you can only save a small amount each month, it will add up over time.

3) Invest in yourself. This can be done by taking courses, learning new skills, or starting your own business. The more you invest in learning skills, the higher your income will be.

4) Live below your means. This means spending less than you earn and investing the difference.

5) Stay disciplined. Building wealth takes time and requires patience and discipline. Stick to your plan and don’t give up!

How do you build your wealth in 2022?

You build your wealth in 2022 the same way as any other year. Yes, inflation is out of control and the economy is in recession, but that doesn’t mean that YOUR household economy has to be in recession. 

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Educate yourself on personal finance, investing, passive income streams, and high-paying skills (marketing, sales, business, etc.) and you will be able to effectively build wealth in 2022 and beyond. 

Once you’ve started generating a serious income, you can always consider protecting some of your wealth with an investment in gold or dollar cost averaging into something like Bitcoin if you see a long-term future there.

What is the key to building wealth?

The key to building wealth is delayed gratification. You have to be willing to forgo immediate gratification in order to achieve greater long-term rewards. This means saving your money instead of spending it, investing your money instead of keeping it in cash, and building passive income streams instead of depending solely on active income from your job.

How can I get rich in 5 years?

There is no surefire answer, but the best way to increase your chances of becoming wealthy in 5 years is to invest in yourself. This can be done by taking courses, learning new skills, or starting your own business. The more you invest in learning how to make money, the higher your income will be and the closer you will be to the financial life you’ve always dreamed of.

What should net worth be at 30?

Your goal should be to have at least 1x your annual salary invested by age 30. This will give you a good foundation to start building wealth. If you make $50,000 per year, your goal should be to have at least $50,000 invested by the time you’re 30. This can be done through a combination of saving and investing.

Can you become rich after 35?

Plenty of people had nothing in their 20’s and 30’s, and built significant wealth in their 40’s and beyond. In fact, Sam Walton (Wal-Mart founder), Henry Ford (Ford Motor Co), Samuel L. Jackson, and countless others all became wealthy past their 40’s. What matters is persistence, skill-buiding, and action. If you build the skills of wealthy people and act on those consistently, you will become wealthy — no matter what age you are.

How can I be a millionaire in 5 years?

There are many ways to become a millionaire in under 5 years (it’s not easy, but it is very possible). Your focus should be on building high-income producing skills and then taking consistent daily action to apply those skills in the marketplace. Building a business is typically the quickest way to become a millionaire, and you need many high-level skills to build an effective business. Some of the key skills to learn are selling, marketing, budgeting, investing, and leading.

How can I invest in my 20s to be rich in my 30s?

The most important thing you can do in your 20’s to be rich in your 30’s is to develop high-income producing skills. Look at the wealthy people of this world who are in their 30’s, and figure out what skills they have that you don’t have, and then go learn those. The only difference between wealthy people and you is the skills they have and the action they’ve taken.

How much money should you have in your 20s?

The average savings of someone under 35 years old is around $11,000. That being said, you should strive to save up one year’s salary as soon as possible in your 20’s. This will make your investing and wealth building path so much easier.

How can I generate passive income in my 20s?

There are many ways to generate passive income in your 20’s, but the most important thing is to start as soon as possible. The sooner you start building passive income streams, the sooner they will begin to compound and grow. Some of the best ways to generate passive income are through real estate investing, dividend stocks, p2p lending, and online businesses.



You don’t need to be a certified financial planner to craft a wealth-building strategy or to achieve financial success; what you do need is to educate yourself on the basics of personal finance, debt, investing, and good financial habits, and then to take consistent action towards that goal of financial freedom.

Anyone can build wealth if they just start taking the proper steps, and you can too.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if I missed any keys to wealth!

Husband of 10+ years, father of 4, and savvy in all things (ok, let’s be modest, most things) personal finance. My aim is to help free a generation from the chains of dumb money habits destroying lives. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes along the way, but through a slightly obsessive pursuit of financial freedom, I’ve learned a thing or two. Now I’m here to share it.

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